Monday, April 23, 2007


So I'm back from BC
and it was, for the most part, gay.
But I got to hang out with Meghan, so it was automatically awesome.

Was I missed?


StephJP said...

You was missed! Sorry this is a late comment, but I've been over my head in homework/dance/piano practicing/whatever else that needed to be done. We should hang out again sometime.

ARGH, I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER!!!!!! Even good weather is better than nothing. Please?

Jenn said...


Cause I was with you you retard! haha...shut up nathan

StephJP said...

Ouch, that was a little harsh. But then again, you probably know Nathan like a bajillion times better than I do, so yeah. I'll shut up.

Joi Grey said...

Hey Nate, hurry up and fix your comp! This blog is gathering dust!!!

StephJP said...

Hey Josi, find better adjectives! Dust for Nathan, dust for David...

Dust makes me sneeze.

Joi Grey said...

So does cocaine powder floating in the air, but I wasn't going to say that.