Sunday, April 8, 2007

Inspiration = Found

They say that before a person dies, there entire life flashes before them.

I have never believed that notion.

I think that when a person dies, the realization of death causes the person to remember all the good times in their life. These memory's are so amazing, it seems to slow down the death, and "flash" before their eyes.

Now, I ask you this; Have you ever had a near death experiance?

Did your life flash before your eyes?

Because as you may or may not know, I had a near death experiance last thursday. It was so near death, I actually thought I was dead. It was so near death, that my atheism was momentarily lifted. I beleived I was in heaven. To me, it seemed like a spent a long time in heaven. I thought "My god, I was wrong. There really is a god, there really IS a heaven."

Of course, I turned out to be wrong. I wasint dead. I wasint in heaven. but you know what didint happen?

My life did not pass before my eyes.

No, as I sat in that oblivion I thought was heaven, I rehashed memorys. Happy ones. Sad ones. And the funny thing is, they all seemed to involve one person in particular.

I'll leave who that person is up to you.

Anyways, I am illustrating this near death experiance in a short story divided into multiple parts. I think this is the inspiration I was looking for. No, it wont be a depressing tale of death; It will be an inspiring tale of love and hope. Corny shit like that. Expect part 1 to be posted quick.

Think about what I have said as you read it. And my story is going to be 100% truth. I will never forget the day I died. Because oddly enough, it did not panic me.


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