Monday, April 23, 2007


So I'm back from BC
and it was, for the most part, gay.
But I got to hang out with Meghan, so it was automatically awesome.

Was I missed?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Poetic Musing's 3


I stare at the clock.
Darkness, oh please, for this I hate.
I stare at the clock.
My eyes ache, time is a whore.
I stare at the clock.
Pop those pills, it will all be fine.
I stare at the clock.
I thoughts drift to her, and suddenly I'm alive.
I stare at the clock,
But I dont really care.
I fear
The nightmare's ensnare.

Poetic Musing's 2


I promised you the world
Didn't I?
With my next mistake,
I could hear your heart break
And my shredded throat
Eased that ache.
I wept for you,
I cryed for you.
And now, I am tormented

For now, we pick up the pieces
And form something new.
All is well.
But do tell...
Will you still love me
After my next mistake?

Because I cant take
Hearing your heart break.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Poetic Musing's


Drips down my spine
Sweet relief
Rain, Rain
Just keep falling
and wash this away
for my hands
are stained
with your disdain

Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Day I Died, Part 1

I love you, Meghan.


With those words ringing in his mind, Nathan moved the mouse up to the “send” button of the email. Hovering over the button, Nathan hesitated.
“What the hell? What’s with the hesitation?”
The last time he had hesitated in sending an email to Meghan had been when he had admitted his true feelings to her. It had been the email that had started everything he had with her. He had had good reason to hesitate.
This was… inexplicable. This was the second email he had sent her since she had left for Cuba. It wasn’t anything big; It was simply him updating her on his life at the moment. It was also telling her how he was leaving for Red Deer that day, for Easter.
Nathan shook his head, and clicked the “Send” button. Within seconds, the email had been sent. “Your just a little off today,” he told himself. Regardless, the hesitation stuck with him. Was it a premonition? Had sending that email been a bad idea?


Nathan shut down the various web pages he had up. The email page, Nexopia, Limewire, iTunes… he exited from them all. He then opened up his MSN page. Thinking about it for only a moment, he logged out. MSN was rather pointless, with Meghan gone. She was one of the few reasons he even used the computer. He hated technology.
He then shut down the computer, and sat back in the chair. Kneading his forehead with his knuckles, he pitied himself. He had once again neglected to wear his glasses, and as such, had developed a head ache.
“Oh, Meghan…”
He mentally kicked himself. “Don’t torture yourself, dude.”
Nathan had to laugh at his own lameness. She was only gone for a little over a week. He was making a mountain out of a mole hill.
But… still. That was ten days he could not talk to her. That was ten days he could not see her. Ten days of hell, it was.
And it was only day four. Nathan still had quite a bit to go, before this hell ended. Six more days, he had woken up and told himself. It was a countdown he never forgot. The day before, he had woken up with a hint of a tear in his eye, telling himself “Seven more days.” Tomorrow, he would wake up with a hint of a tear in his eye, telling himself “Five more days.” It was a daily ritual.
And the worse part of it was how guilty about it he felt. Countless people had told him that time away from her would be a good thing. “It will make you realize whether this is a serious relationship, where you both need each other, or if it is just a good time.” Well, that wasn’t a problem for Nathan. The minute he had stepped out of her doorway on Sunday, Nathan had known that he needed her. He had known that the next ten days would be some of his worst. The minute he had left, he had missed her.

Secretly, dark at night, Nathan wondered if she was feeling the same.

“Ah… Sunday…”
Sunday had been the last time he had seen her before she left. It had also been one of there better dates. He had gone to her house for dinner. He had also gotten the whole day with her.
It had been an amazing night. They had playfully fed each other popcorn, while watching “Kinky Boots.” They had tickled each other. They had played guitar with each other. They had held each other.
But the highlight of the night had been at dinner.
Meghan’s mother, while putting dishes away, had said something Nathan had never heard from a girls mother before;
“Nathan, you have to come over more often.”
The statement had stopped Nathan cold, although he didn’t show it. Invitation from the parents, to hang out with there daughter more often? That was the holy grail of a real relationship, in Nathan’s opinion. Even better, Meghan had told him later that she had never said that to a boyfriend of hers before. It had made Nathan feel like a million dollars.
Nathan snapped out of it. The night had been amazing, yes, but she was gone now. Thinking about Sunday hurt, because it reminded him of that grim fact. He attempted to push the memory from his thoughts. He failed.
Sighing, Nathan stood up and stretched. He had a busy night ahead of him. Round Up Band, and then Red Deer right afterwards. At the thought of Round Up Band, Nathan groaned. It was pointless, having a rehearsal in the dead center of spring break. All of the rich kids were out of the country. Seventy five percent of Round Up Band was rich kids. As such, doing the show would be difficult, to say the least.
Sometimes, Nathan wondered why he even bothered still doing the marching band gig. His future clearly didn’t lie in that general musical direction, so why was he dragging it on? Not only that, but the people were infuriating. The seniors were arrogant, push up giving assholes. The juniors were timid, horrible musicians who were rather clueless. Oh, there were exceptions; Josi, for example, was amazing on her sax, and wasn’t arrogant. There were more, but not much.
But these musings were private. Nathan would quietly and obediently go to rehearsal, and silently hate himself for doing so. Yawning, Nathan walked away from the computer and started to walk up the stairs.
At that point, Nathan realized how shaky everything had become. The world seemed to be spinning, and the headache that was now pounding through Nathan’s skull was not helping. He grabbed onto the rail, and stumbled up a few more steps.
And then, darkness took over.
Black seemed to wrap the surroundings in a dark, ebony coat. Nathan fell backwards as the dark oblivion took him
The last thing he remembered was hearing -rather then feeling- a number of thuds, as his head banged down the stairs.
“Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud…”
And then, when his head should have hit the pavement ground, he was gone.

Inspiration = Found

They say that before a person dies, there entire life flashes before them.

I have never believed that notion.

I think that when a person dies, the realization of death causes the person to remember all the good times in their life. These memory's are so amazing, it seems to slow down the death, and "flash" before their eyes.

Now, I ask you this; Have you ever had a near death experiance?

Did your life flash before your eyes?

Because as you may or may not know, I had a near death experiance last thursday. It was so near death, I actually thought I was dead. It was so near death, that my atheism was momentarily lifted. I beleived I was in heaven. To me, it seemed like a spent a long time in heaven. I thought "My god, I was wrong. There really is a god, there really IS a heaven."

Of course, I turned out to be wrong. I wasint dead. I wasint in heaven. but you know what didint happen?

My life did not pass before my eyes.

No, as I sat in that oblivion I thought was heaven, I rehashed memorys. Happy ones. Sad ones. And the funny thing is, they all seemed to involve one person in particular.

I'll leave who that person is up to you.

Anyways, I am illustrating this near death experiance in a short story divided into multiple parts. I think this is the inspiration I was looking for. No, it wont be a depressing tale of death; It will be an inspiring tale of love and hope. Corny shit like that. Expect part 1 to be posted quick.

Think about what I have said as you read it. And my story is going to be 100% truth. I will never forget the day I died. Because oddly enough, it did not panic me.


Friday, April 6, 2007

Green Eggs And Ham

Have you ever read the book "Green Eggs And Ham?"

I read this book for the first time in years about two days ago. My brother requested it as his bedtime book. Being the good brother I am, I read it to him.

It amazed me just how boring and pointless the book was. The "book" consists of one big bitch fest between SAM-I-AM and this other, unnamed character. You see, SAM-I-AM will stop at nothing to have the other dude eat his Green eggs and ham, which is quite... suspicious, if you ask me. Anyways, the book goes like this;

"I do not like them in a box.
I do not like them with a fox.
I do not like them in a house.
I do not like them with a mouse.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam-I-am."

Now, the book continues like this. On. And on. And on. And on...

Which led me to think, who in there right mind would have the time and the sheer boredom to write something this pointless, at this lenth, completly in simple words and ryming?

Which led me to research how this book was formulated. And I have figured it out.

You see, what most people do not realize is that the great Dr. Seuss had a secret to writing all of his works; That secret was LSD. Really, did you think that a man in his right mind could write like Dr. Seuss does? No, it takes a man tripped out on mushrooms to imagine a cat in a hat, or green eggs and ham. Seuss knew that acid could help him create art, long before John Lennon was even born.

Ayways, one day, Dr. Seuss and his good friend Sam (nic name: Sam I Am) were sitting at a table, doing LSD. However, they were both in an adventurous mood. Sam, a frequent user of marijuanna, got the idea to add weed to the high. He ducked under the table, pulled out his stash, and him and Suess were soon taking hits of mushrooms and joints of weed.

A little while later, Dr. Seuss put down his joint. At this point, the man was higher then all of Staten Island. Giggling like a madman and imaginfinf a world of rainbows and laughter, Dr. Seuss then walked over to his fridge and pulled out a hock of ham. Now, in his high state, the ham appeared to be bright lime green. The following ensued;

Dr. Suess (DS): "Hehe.... HEY! SAM!"

Sam I Am (SIA): "DUDE."

DS: "Hehehe... Do you want some... some..."

SIA: "(giggle)"


SIA: "(giggle) NO. THANK YOU."

DS: "How about... IN A BOAT?!?!"

SIA: "(considers) NO. I DO NOT."

DS: "How about... WITH A GOAT?!?!"


DS: "DUDE. Get me some pen and a paper! (giggle) this shit is REEEEAL"

Dr. Seuss then sat down and wrote the entirity of the book. he tryed everything to get Sam to eat the green eggs and ham. Soon, they were on the very last page, and Dr. Seuss was getting frustrated. The egative aspect of the LSD was starting to kick in;


SIA: "(giggle) DUDE, I love you"

DS: "If you love me, you'll eat the green eggs and ham."

SIA: "The... the... wha..?!"


SIA: "S-s-sure?"

DS: "Thank you, asshole! I've been trying to get rid of that shit for MONTHS."

4 months and 5 lawsuits later, everyones favorite childrens book was published.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Letter never sent.

This is a letter I never had the courage to send. You'll understand why.

Dear. Meghan Currie;
I have been trying for so long to find something to describe how I feel for you.
I've tryed songs, storys, poems, words, pictures.
I've tryed writing countless things. Love rants, poems, you know them all.
I've tryed making up neat little metaphors, like you did. Thing is, I couldint think of anything significant enough to really say to you. Because to me, no matter how creative they are, they're never good enough.
I've tryed writing longwinded rants, which I post in blogs and whatnot. But Im always unsatisfyed with them. No matter how long they are, they are never long enough for me.
To be honest, I could go on for hours and hours, pages and pages talking about how I feel for you. About how goddamn perfect you are. But I would never take comfort in it, because I would always leave something out. I keep trying, believe me. But the fact is, Im always leaving something out. I cant pinpoint what the hell it is.
Maybe I'm not meant to know what it is. Maybe its just that little bit of completion that noone can completley understand.

I now know that no matter how hard I search, its always gonna be futile. I'm never, ever going to find something significant enough to represent my love for you, so all I can offer you is myself.
Because god only knows what I'd be without you.
I have tryed imagining life before you. And it was an unhappy place. My existence lacked meaning before you.
And now, I have meaning.

So I'm giving up my search, because its like chasing a rainbow... It has no end. I am never , ever going to find something amazing enough to represent how much I love you. But believe me, if it existed, I would bombard you with it. Every single day.

I love you, Meghan.
And I never, ever want to stop holding you.

- Nathan Iles

Monday, April 2, 2007

Grant's got it down

Carpe Diem = Grant
nathan. lovesick = me

Carpe Diem says:
you dont enjoy her company because you can do anything with her. she is just so amazingly perfect for you and vice versa that she would let you do anything because she trusts you. one critical element that is lacking in most teenaged relations
nathan. lovesick. says:
nathan. lovesick. says:
man, you got it down
nathan. lovesick. says:
me thinks we should hang out in person sometime
Carpe Diem says:
sounds like a plan
nathan. lovesick. says:
and when im with her, it seems liek nothing else really matters. Its like this whole other world I want to escape to.
nathan. lovesick. says:
and then i get yanked back down the minute i step out of her door
Carpe Diem says:
the pure ecstacy that you have with her is so amazing that just being in her presence is enough to bring you from a depressive state instantaneously. words dont even have to be said. its so perfect just looking into her eyes you feel secure and that she is your better part. with her absence brings pain. in her presence its too great for any words.

Grant seems to know exactly how I feel.


They say that time away from your partner is a good experiance to go through. As my dad put it, "It helps you realize just how much you need them. It helps you realize wether your relationship is a serious one, or the stereotypical teenage one."

I guess I agree with that. I just dont like it.

Meghan is in Cuba, until April tenth. The day after she gets back, Im leaving for BC, on a 5 day trip. So basically, I wont be seeing or talking to her for the next two weeks.

Great. Two weeks to think about how much I need her.

You seriously have no idea how much this hurts. Im sitting here now, maybe 7 hours since last seeing her.... and you know what? I want nothing more then to hold her. And I cant. I feel like kicking something.

Im really happy she gets to go on an adventure. Im really happy she gets to go travelling so much. But deep, deep down, I want her to stay. If there was anything I could do to make her stay, I would do it a million times over. But theres nothing I can do, so I guess Im gonna have to wait out the next two weeks. Whoopity fucking do.

I love her so much. I miss her so much.

I dont need these two weeks. You know why? Because I already know that I need her. I need her more then anything.

"I’ve seen palaces in London; I’ve seen a castle in Wales
But I’d rather wake up beside you and breathe that ol ’familiar smell"

I tryed imagining life before her. I cant.

I just wish she knew that.