Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Letters Never Sent pt. 2

Dear _____;

You really have hurt me, you know that?
I know that sounds stupid, but you did.
And I feel like a total dick, because despite the fact its not true, I feel as if its my fault I let you slip through my fingers.
I guess truly opening up to you... Letting you see who I actually am... was a mistake. A big one. Apparantly, I unwittingly put everything onto your shoulders, and for that, I am sorry.
And now you continue to engage me in these friendly conversations, as if nothing happened. Because, of course, you still want to be "just friends." And you know, I go along with it. I act fine. I act like I'm not heart broken, which I am. I act as if I to want to dont truly care about what we had. But heres the real truth;
I'm not ok.
Its not so easy for me to casually talk to you, normally, because heres another truth;
When I told you I loved you, I meant it.
You arint yesterdays news to me. I havint forgotten about it. I doubt I will. I dont know how you do it... I guess things just werint as amazing for you.
Of course, its not like I'm ever going to actually tell you these things.
Because you see, I still love you. And as such, I still care about you. I know you dont... I'm just some dude to you. But hey, thats just me, loser as I am.

I love you,
and I truly miss you.

1 comment:

StephJP said...



Don't be emo. Talk it off. Talk about it with your friends, don't hold it all inside of you. It's not good for your system.

And you've got to start posting on your blog more often.