Monday, May 28, 2007

I Want You (She's So Heavy)

Fuck this.

Fuck you all.

I have decided to live by a new philosophy.

Make decisions and never look back.

Fuck you. I dont need any of you.

Not anymore.

1 comment:

Joi Grey said...

Hey sorry I've totally ignored looking in here for a while. I must say it's a tad overrated but whatever. That's a good philosophy though, I like that idea, because being dependant on someone all the time won't help, but personally I think you still need people, like friends you know? Because without other people and friends you lead a sad existance. Even if you think you don't need other human contact you could be wrong... but I think you're just getting over a loss and having a hard time of it. Not that I blame you. It sucks. But whatever and also I really like your songs, I'm just too lazy to comment on all of them. I found the time cause I'm at school and should be doing something lame. Like stock exchanges...

My favourite song there is
I don't know why so don't ask me to elaborate. Its really nice though. Ugh I'm so bored and I can't do anything about it... So I shall bide thee adieu, and well yeah etc.