Monday, March 26, 2007

How pathetic.

So here I am, at school, in the computer lab, posting on my "blog."

How pathetic.

Its about 12:26 right now. In 20 minutes, the bell shall be ringing and I will be back to the regular routine of sleeping my way through my classes. But until then, Im sitting here in the computer lab, thinking of how pathetic I am for hanging out in the computer lab.

I could be out playing rugby. I could be tripping around school with Lukas. But no, Im sitting here in the computer lab because as far as school goes, I have no life.

Its not like Im a loser or anything.
I just stay disconnected from school. School is the lamest shit on earth.

Im not talking about the classes. The classes are fine. But as far as people go, my school is horrible. Everyone has abandoned me at school, so why should I even bother? All the people that matter to me go to other schools.

Meghan goes to Manning. Brenden, Eric, and Alex go to Massier. Steph and Josi go to some fancy ass french school.

Where do I go? The worst junior high school in calgary. Good ol' TB Riley.

I hate this.



Nico Bortolin said...

In my defence it's not exactly fancy ass, and I fucking hate it at my school cause everyone (except a select few, you know who you are) is a fake. It's bullshit, and we get like 4 hours of homework a night. So yeah, I'm not thrilled about it myself.

And a passing suggestion, no more sitting in the computer lab at lunch, it worries me for your sanity, go and... i dunno, if you're going to post from so during class time, it's a better way to waste time. Ok now I have to go and be sick.

Joi Grey said...


~ Josi (the above comment was from me as well)

StephJP said...

(Nice. Nico's so pissed at you for his profile, Josi.)

But Nathan, she's right. Posting during class is a way better waste of time. And what we do at lunch isn't exactly the coolest thing either. We sit in the band room and play instruments. How sad is that? Oh, but it has it's perks. Today I got a cookie :P Life is so cool when it gives you cookies.

Jenn said...

HEY!!!! NOT NICE! THAT IS....THAT IS JUST NOT NICE! geez...make me cry

StephJP said...

Hey, guess where we are right now? ELA class!!! You're jealous now. We conned our teacher into letting us take our spelling test after the break. Who's cool? Anyways, just giving you a shout, and hope to see you soon...

This is starting to sound a lot like a letter.

Stephanie, Josi and The Other Stupid Kid.

Joi Grey said...

The Stupid one = Amanda btw.

StephJP said...

Well, yeah. It's kinda obvious, isn't it? Well, I suppose there ARE other stupid people out there, but we were mostly homing in on our special one. Lurve ya, Manda, if you're reading this.