Friday, January 26, 2007

True Love

Its amazing, how fast one's perspective on a certain subject can change so quickly. Take me, for instance. Up until about 2 weeks ago, I absolutley hated the whole "dating" thing. At our age, its the gayest shit ever...It usually consists of talking on the computer, and hanging out at school. I have resented and condemned "love" for almost a year now. But then, this girl changed everything...
The girl Im talking about is Meghan Currie, my girlfriend. She re-entered my life, and put everything back into perspective. I absolutly adore her.
Yea, it seems pretty hypocritical, doesint it? But you see, this is so much more different then all the other shit everyone does. We dont go to the same school. Shes older then me. WE ACTUALLY DO STUFF. You see a trend here? Its a total far-cry from the typical "Dating" scene that exists today...Shes an incredible person. Me and her...its an incredible thing. So no, Im not a hypocrite...I am in love.
It all kinda started during hell week, of last year...For all you non-geeks out there, its a weeklong hell for us round-up kids. She was a trombone player. I was a french horn player. We never REALLY talked...It was more of a small talk sort of friendship. But halfway through hell week, I realized something...Shes really pretty. After thinking long and hard, I decided to ask her out.
Well, something happened...I wont say much, but I will say its mostly Kylah Shaw's fault. Long story short, I chickened out of asking her. She ended up with Kieth...A trumpet player. And I came to the conclusion; Dating sucks balls.
So theres that. She left C.R.U.B after stampede week, so I tryed to forget about her...But before leaving for tour, I got her email address. It was through email that I found out she was with Kieth, and that she was one year older then me.
I was, for lack of a less cheesy term, heartbroken. Over tour, I kinda forgot about her...But not really. She always remained in the back of my head.
Well, about a month passed...About halfway into August, I started talking to her again. And thats when things really started to go my way.
Over the course of several months, we talked...alot. I reunited with her at the post party for C.R.U.B, which is where I realized how much I liked her...again. But the age gap remained firmly planted in my mind, and I tryed to forget about it.
The thing is, I didnt.
Well, long story short, we talked alot more. Soon, it became apparent that this could be more then a friendship...If i didint act like an idiot again. We even went trick'or'treating together, which sort of sparked the fuse. Months later, (early January) we went to a movie...and thats where I realized that this could really happen. A week later, I asked her out...I really did. And you know what? She said yes.
Well, now its been two weeks...Some of the best two weeks of my life. The age gap makes no difference...Actually, I think it does, but in a good way. Shes so much more mature then the most of the prissies I know. Shes always up to do something. In short, the age gap is a good thing.
But it has occured to me how much Ive been missing. Had I been more couragous all those months ago, I would probably be a much happier person right now. Suffice to say, I was a complete retard, and I regret that decision more then anything.
Did I mention that she is beautiful? Well, she is. She's beautiful to the point of making me feel lucky to have her...which I am.
But the best thing about her is all the similarities she has with me. We like almost the exact music. Were both atheist. Were both chronic cynics. Were both extremly fucked up. She's the type of person I can just sit down and talk to.
She's a hit with everyone I know, to. My mom, I quote, thinks she is the most adorable thing ever. My dad thinks she is one of the nicest, prettiest girls he's ever seen me with. Ditto for my grandpa. Brenden thinks that we are perfect for each other, in a sense that we complete each other. I could go on, but that would get old quick.
Well, if you've read this far, then you probably get the point...I really like her. Well, more then that...I love her. Being with her is a truly amazing experiance for me...I am so lucky to be with her.
Well, thats it for me. Hopefully, you've read this far...Because the world should know that Nathan Iles is happy, for the first time in almost a year.

- J.T


Unknown said...

ily J.T.

-meghan xo

Jenn said...

haha irony much? i went to your site and i was like HEY! this kid finally posted and i was gonna read it but then i was like it looks sorta long so i went and did my post and then came back and read yours...check out my site and you'll understand the irony.

StephJP said...


Since I isht bored. And lame.

And quite hyper of chocolate. Which is the worst, because all the energy goes into my fingers to type.


Sofy =0 said...

Quote: "I absolutley hated the whole "dating" thing. At our age, its the gayest shit ever...It usually consists of talking on the computer, and hanging out at school."

That's EXACTLY how I feel...hopefully my perspective will change soon too. XD

Quote: "Shes older then me. WE ACTUALLY DO STUFF. You see a trend here?"

I have a really sick mind, and this brings some disturbing thoughts into it. =P

That's all. =)

I'm glad you finally asked her's good for you. =P

StephJP said...

Question! Why do I have (I think...) beside my name? I've been staring at that for the longest time, and haven't a clue what you're thinking about, and if I should be thinking about the same thing as well.

Joi Grey said...

Have you ever wondered if maybe you're just a figment of our imaginations? Maybe we're just one huge schitzophrenic society who all have the same hallusonations (teeehehe ouch that's bad spelling)
And maybe Nathan here is just coming out from his schitzophrenic state, cause we're being monitored and the schizophrenia is chemical induced by people far more complicated than us... oh but I've said too much.... shit.... *vanishes*

StephJP said...

Well, what if cheese strings were actually cheese and not some wannabe-tasting cheese stuff? What then?!

He might have not known how to spell my name (although that is quite far-fetched)

And where is Nathan anyways? Do I really want to know?


J.T.Iles said...

My computer is broken. I will be getting a new one within the week.

That is all.


StephJP said...

Aha! That's why you haven't been on.

Hurry up. *cracks whip*

Uh...I'm bored. Let's sing a song!

Steph: Sketch a river, wide and brown. Make a banana happy and round.

Josi: Purple gnome with bad nose bleed. Stretching to it's longest need.

Steph: Colour the sun with paper clips and nose rings. Have dirty thoughts of long mushy things.

Josi: Eat a bathrobe once twice over. And go streaking all up and through Rover.

Steph: Wangle spitoons and fry a kite. Lick a vicid quid and eat to your delight.

Josi: Develop terrets syndrome and talk to a horse. Scream about mushrooms and...INTERCOURSE!

Steph: Lick Nico's...


Steph: Hey, it's my turn!

Josi: Chelsea Chelsea I believe... INTERCOURSE!

Steph: *flicks TOUNGUE (ha) suggestively*

Josi: *smacks Steph*

Steph: AH...oop...whoops...

Josi: Songs about rainbows so pretty in the sky. Can go suck a...

Steph: Laura Secord?!?!

Josi: ...lemon (Kelpso?) and I. I mean, die.

Amanda: This is like the time where you spilt your banana pudding on my pants.

Josi: I'd like to put in a little thing here, wasn't it crusty pudding?

Steph: Not my fault banana pudding gets crusty. How was I supposed to know?

Josi: And as we near the endo f our song...

Steph: (Innu)endo? Dirty see these shackles baby I'm your...

Josi: GOOD KNIGHT! *cracks whip*

Amanda: Nico wishes he was there.

Nico: *reads* o.O