Wednesday, January 10, 2007


So Im not in the best of moods today. As you may have read in "My war with machines," I didn't get all that much sleep last night. So since Im not in a great mood, Im gunna address a few issues regarding my "blog."
First of all, this isn't a typical "blog." In fact, this isn't even really a "blog." Blogs are lame ass online diary's that pathetic people with no life use to display there problems to the world. Now, I may be pathetic, but I certainly have a life. Plus, diarys are stupid. Instead, I use this space to display my opinions, storys, and award winning essays to world. If you like them, thats cool...comment, if you really like them. If not, well, with all due respect, go fuck a goat.
The second issue I'de like to address is my name, simply because to many people ask about it. Now, thanks to the cruel, cruel society we live in, my first name isn't really "J.T." In the real world, I am refered to as Nathan, a shortened version of Nathanial (which is my true first name.) I truly, truly hate this name. You see, I am an atheist, and my mother is catholic, and she picked this name out of the bible. I am named after St. Nathanial, which would be an honour, if I was religous. But I am not, and as such, I have to put up with this name. I dont like it, but I put up with it.
This raises the question; where does the abbrieviation come from? Well, it actually comes from my MIDDLE name (John Talbot.) I am truly honoured to have such a middle name. You see, John is my father, who is the greatest man I know, and Talbot was my grandfather, who died exactly one year before I was born. If we lived in a perfect world, this would be my first name. But we dont, so I had to figure out another way to use it.
When I began writing, about 1 year ago, I finally found use for my middle name. Taking influence from J.K. Rowling, and J.R.R. Tolkien, I decided that if John Talbot couldint be my first name, it would be my pen name. I abbrieviated it, and ever since then, I have signed all my significant work with it. It is my secret honour.

So theres my rant of the day. Suck on it.

-J.T (formely known as Nathanial John Talbot Iles)


StephJP said...

Bravo Mr. JT.

I know some messed up kids named JT. They are the strangest people on the planet. It's rather frightning.

Hey, Josi, if you're reading *smirk* this, we should make a list of JTs. Like PGs, except...not.

StephJP said...

And btw, I'm calling you Nathanial from now on just for spite.

J.T.Iles said...

You suck

StephJP said...

haha you brought it upon yourself.

Have you ever read the Bartimaeus Trilogy? It's really good, and one of the main character's name is Nathanial.

Joi Grey said...

lol thats what my mom did to me except opposite of you. She catholicised (yeah thats right I made that word up) My middle name instead of my first lol so I don't have much to worry about (I'm NOT catholic)And Steph JTs would take forever you have no idea how many sick and twisted things I could come up with from the innitials "JT" so lets not go there k? Keep it PG lol yes another bad joke.

StephJP said...

*smacks forhead* Josi, you'll be the death of me. And you have a guy's middle name, so shut up.

Toungue! Muahaha.

Joi Grey said...

actually it's unisex if you really wanted to know...

StephJP said...

It is? Really? I thought gabrielle was the feminine side of it.

Oh well, nobody cares about your middle name anyways.

Jenn said...

OMG! I watched the 40 year old virgin and now i totally understand what you found so funny about the fuck a goat thing when you were telling me about it in class that one day! That movie is friggen awesome.