Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My war with technology

Have you ever waged war with technology? Its probably the most painful experiance ever, at least in my case. Especially if you dont know how to shut the damn thing off.
I got this brand spankin' new watch for my, of course, because regular watches give me a head-ache. And I absolutley adored the Peter Griffon would say, its "Freakin' sweet!"
However, being as technologically illiliterate as I am, I have no idea how to work the thing. The only button I dare press is the "light" button, and that's to see the time in the dark. Because of this, I had to endure the worst night of my life.
I had one of those weird know, where you actually get some sleep? What I mean is, by 9:30, I was passed out. I was tired, and sleep was a strange -but welcome- bliss. It was soon interupted, however, at no later then 3:00 in the fucking morning.
Yes, 3:00 in the fucking morning, and I was woken from my bliss. As I wiped the yellow crap from my eyes, I looked around, thinking "Why the hell cant I get to sleep?"
Well, a quick glance to my night-table revealed why...My "Freakin' sweet!" watch was beebing, at 3:00 in the fucking morning. A function that I had no idea about, for it had never done this before. Seriously annoyed, I reached over and pressed some random button. It stopped, at I fell back asleep.
However...At 3:10 in the fucking morning, I was woken up...again. Once again wiping yellow crap from my eyes, I was enraged. "Is it that fucking watch again?!"
Well, It was. Once again reaching over, I pressed the same button. It stopped, (again) and I went back to sleep.
Well, this process repeated itself...and repeated itself...and repeated itself until no later the 4:00 in the fucking morning. And at this point, that was it. My eyes were blood-shot, my hairy a flipping mess, and the yellow crap getting into my covers. Finnaly, (at 4:10 in the fucking morning,) I picked up the watch and stumbled my way downstairs. Cursing god, I walked out my back door, and shoved my "Freakin' sweet" watch into the B-B-Q. I stalked upstairs, almost totally out of my mind, and fell asleep.
This time, there were no interuptions. Bliss was upon me, and in my dreams, I said good riddance to that blasted device. I had no regrets...and I planned to throw that thing away in the morning.
Well, morning came to soon. At 6:00 in the fucking morning, my mom woke me up, and told me that I was staying home to watch my brother. I almost slapped her, said fine, and went back to bed. An hour later, I was up, watching my brother.
And now here I am...writing this tale of woe, as I sit here at 9:00 in the fucking morning. The watch? I pulled it out of the B-B-Q this morning, with every intention to throw it out, and immediatley noticed a "Reset" button...directly beneath the "Start" button I had been pressing this entire time.
That is my tale...The moral? Get used to I found out the hard way, being so illiterate in a world where tech literacy is required isn't the smartest thing to be. As I write, I am reading a manual on how to work my watch.



Joi Grey said...

Lol... good job with that. I have my own wars to wage, but mine are often with the damn computers at the school library, I mean yeah they're not horrid but I have really bad luck, or strange magnetics but I remember once I walked by a row of comps in grade 6 and they all froze simuntaniously...that was a good day, all the people were pissed off and I was like... time to research in the books I think... but yes I understand no technology, except my comp and ummm yeah, not much else, and my knowledge is still really limited when it comes to computers lol. I think I belong to a different time and accidentally got shipped here, somehow... I wish I had lived through the 60's...that was such a cool decade... well 70's wern't bad. But yeah technology will eventually turn on us and rule the world and we will either become it's slaves or dead. Either way, BAD. lol but for now I'm content to attempt to learn how to work it lol.

StephJP said...

Technology can't run the world, because that's currently occupied by me. And isn't the only thing you SUCK at.

Yeah. That's right. You heard me.

Ever notice how we post comments like msn, except slower?

Interesting concept. Let's delve further into that, shall we?

Or not...