Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Oh my lord

Oh My God

Ok, Nirvana has official been raped >>>

This is, with out a doubt, the worst cover of Nirvana I have ever heard.

Its sacriligous.

The guitarist is out of time and barre chording his power chords (cringe),

Theres NO BASSIST, which isint right, because the bassist is the groove of the song,

And the drummer is out of time.

The singer? Shes so bad, I feel pathetic making fun of her, because it's to easy. Im serious, she's like Avril Lavigne times 10.

I couldint even finish the video, so please comment and tell me how it ends.

- J.T

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Wow, there's some great music out there that I was totally un-aware of.
Im talking MAJORLY underground stuff, so me not knowing about them is justified......but still.....
Like The Exies. Amazing band, in my opinion, but they have succesfully managed to avoid any major success. Same goes for The Pixies, The Meat Puppets, X, Starewell, The Fray, and Uppercrust.

Then there's a plethora of quality Calgary bands.......Hallowed Moon is Calgary's premiere horror punk band, and they are insane. Avortion Grenade, The Deadnecks, Killing Nirvana, Golden Nuggets (my band....lol).......There all great band's, and yet no-one seem's to notice.

And of course, the countless garage bands out there......Kingdom Rise, Superheroes In Training, The No-Tones, ILUBB, Chozone, Link And The Zelda's........the list goes on. And as I said before, no-one care's.

So, if you think that there is'nt any great modern music, then your obviously not looking hard enough. Just check out some local concerts, go to an indie record shop, just stroll around any garage's in your neighborhood, and you will find some eargasmic tunes.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Fucking Christmas

Wow, December has come and gone quick. Its funny, because its almost as if I have only been vaguely aware that it is December. And everyone knows that December = Christmas.
But now here it is, my last 2 days of school before the holidays. Christmas is right around the corner, and everyone is in the spirit.
But oddly enough, I dont really care. Normally, December is the longest year of the month for me, because of one reason: Christmas.
I guess the reason why December is going so quick for me is because Im not really looking forward to anything.....to be honest, I dont really like Christmas anymore.
Now, I've mentioned this to a couple of my friends and I always get the same response: "Stop being a Grinch, Nathan!" But unlike the Grinch, I have very good reasons for not liking Christmas. (and Im not talking about the movie Grinch, because that movie was HORRIBLE)
Being an atheist, Im really sick of all the religous over-tones in Christmas. You know, the praying before meals, the models of Jesus being born, singing "Johnny Appleseed" every night of the 12 days of Christmas....the whole 9 yards. Being an atheist in a mainly christian family, I am a black sheep, the guy who doesint bring his hands up in thanks to "god".......and as such, I get plenty of dirty stares from my aunts and uncles. And to be honest with you, Im quite sick of it.
And then there's the immense expectations everyone has for gifts.....no one is thankful for the gift unless it costs an arm and a leg. It angers me, to see my brother asking how much each gift was.
I'll give you an example; last year, me and my brother got gifts for my mother....he got her an ornamant for the her shelves that cost $50, and I made her a painting....a gift which cost $0. Guess which gift she got more worked up over?
Which leads me to my third reason for hating Christmas: commercialism. Christmas is all about gifts now, thanks to corporations such as WalMart and Canadien Tire. "Want to make there holidays special? Then buy them the new ________, available at ______"

Sound familiar?

So there you go. The modern day Grinch has spoken, and I hope you see things from my perspective now.
And, with all due respect, Santa is'nt real.

Merry Fucking Christmas!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Justed getting started.....

Hello, ladies and gents.

So I just set up my own online game blog; GameStart. Its basically gonna be my area devoted to video games; reviews, previews, rants and raves......Think of it as an online video game mag, minus the price. Its still in the works right now, but when I have a few posts up there, it'll be enough to give a nerd an orgasm!
In other news, Ive decided to write another story.....only Im going to show this one off to the world. Its still in its early stages -I dont even have an idea what its gonna be about yet-, but I'll post and let you know what its about as soon as I've figured that out for myself. Then, I will follow my good friend Dave's example.....Im going to leak it out chapter by chapter.

Man, just getting started on these blog things is hard!

Im Back?

So I decided to actually give this blogging thing a try. You see, I was actually a member here, but I forgot my f**king password...so now I have to start a new one. I'll update every now and then (unlike my previous blog, which offered little more then tumbleweeds), so check back later.
