Monday, May 28, 2007

I Want You (She's So Heavy)

Fuck this.

Fuck you all.

I have decided to live by a new philosophy.

Make decisions and never look back.

Fuck you. I dont need any of you.

Not anymore.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I'm hurt. And lost. And rather confused.

I just dont get it.

I feel like drowning

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just Together

Computer is back. Hooray. Life is so much simpler without a computer, but at least now I can post regularly.

Anyways, in my exile from the computer, I began writing songs for my planned acoustic debut. My uncle works in a recording studio, so I'm planning on using it to record this. These are the tracks and there lyrics, so far. (I will be recording them as Just Together)

"At A Loss"
The air, it feels so cold
Like a constant ache, my soul
Shredded throat will sing for you
I hope this doesint last,
But was it wrong to trust you?

Everywhere I turn, people seem to see
A different me
Why is it,
That with every turn of the heart,
I dont love myself, but they love me?
You see perfection
I see infection
You all confuse me with your fagotry.

"Cold & Numb"
This is what they call
Another endless night
Sleepless insomnia,
What happened to your phone call?
I'm fucking freezing,
But nothing is wrong with the heat
I feel nothing, like an empty void
And as your quiet torture intensifies,
My problem will desensitise
I'll just wait for this to end.

Its funny to feel
Like nothing is real
The world could be mine,
But your first in line.

"Raining Tears"
Waking up to rain
But I still feel pain
I needed you again
But is that right?

You cant tell if I cry
But lets say I died
Perhaps it was wrong
To really belong

So I'll shut back up
and lock my heart
and emotions with a key.
Then maybe you'll see.

Your vindiction makes me scream,
But all I do is dream
Perhaps if my tears stain the floor
You will the impression of me
Conformity is a way out
Because then all of your venom would ring true.
I know you wont believe me,
But I still love you.

"Somewhere Else"
Love shouldint equal confusion
So why are we so confused?
Something I did, or said?

I know my apologies ring empty
And I fear it is to late
I think I already lost you
Before I could explain.

(keep in mind i have a few silly love songs written as well. i just dont think there as meaningful, unless things are really alright. anyways, more to come soon...)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Brain Stew

My apologies to everyone who misses me. (so noone, really)
You see, my computer has been "in for repairs" for the past 2 months
and Im seeing no end to it.

Not like I give a shit,
but I think all of you pathetic people who hang on my every blog post should know that Im going to be away for awhile. To bad for you to, because I have a shitload of poetry to post.

If you want to talk, ask Josi for my cell number.

Otherwise, good day to you.
